
How does working too much endanger our health?

Overworking means working more than one’s capacity and ability and more than normal working hours. This issue has various reasons. Sometimes we have a high workload, sometimes we don’t have enough time and we have to deliver the work on time, and sometimes we just want to show our enthusiasm and seriousness to others. Overwork causes many physical problems: problems such as insomnia and stroke.Of course, we must also consider mental health and problems such as depression, anxiety and even suicide. In the following, we describe the problems related to overworking and the main symptoms, social aspects and how it affects health, and we give some tips on reducing the stress caused by overworking.

If you want to be the best at your workplace, get a promotion, be a good and reputable employee or employer, or any other reason, you must work hard to achieve these goals; But this hard work, without rest and recreation, wears us down and leads to serious diseases or even death.

Of course, sometimes you have to stay at your workplace for an hour or two more to finish an important project; But be careful that this does not become a habit. Working long hours and spending a lot of time at work will make you tired. In addition to fatigue, there are many other side effects caused by overwork; Therefore, you should know the most common signs of overworking. The most common symptoms of overworking are:

  • lack of energy;
  • insomnia;
  • Ignoring sleep;
  • feeling anxious and not concentrating;
  • weakening of the body’s immune system;
  • mood and bad mood;
  • weight gain or loss;
  • Inability to balance work and social life.

1. Lack of energy

Usually, working extra hours during the week makes you feel very tired. To deal with lack of energy, do the following:

  • Separate your work from your personal life.
  • Determine your priorities and organize your work based on these priorities; That is, do the most important things at the beginning of the day. If you don’t have enough time, don’t worry; Because you can postpone less important tasks until tomorrow.
  • Check how much time you need to complete each task. Do more time-consuming tasks in the morning when you are fresher and have more energy.
  • On holidays or vacations, take a break from work and stop checking your emails.

Be sure to read: Cure lethargy and boredom with 12 methods that will give you energy again

2. Insomnia

Even though you are tired, you cannot sleep because your brain is still processing all the information of the day. Use the following methods to deal with insomnia:

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